Explore Member Benefits

DBC has outstanding member benefits!

  • DBC Member Benefits:
  • Grants (over $5000 for FNCE and Advocacy Summit)
  • Virtual Networking Events
  • FNCE Networking Event
  • Leadership Opportunities
  • Four Webinars with CPE Quarterly Newsletter (Business Insights)
  • Access to member knowledge through Discussion Board

Mentor Network

Have a career goal, but don't know where to start? Link with veteran DBC experts who will share their expertise with you on culinary arts, business development, writing, health promotion, sales, marketing, public relations, and communications. An outstanding way to find support to start a career, open a business, write a book or change careers. The mentor network supports success!


You will not be left behind in the business world when you participate in DBC educational webinars! Earn free CPEUs for attending "live" webinars. You can also access past webinar recordings for self study CPEU on the member side of the website.

DBC's LinkedIn Group

Request membership and be part of our LinkedIn group.

DBC Business Insights Newsletter

Our newsletter brings you news on current trends in the food, nutrition, communications, sales, technology, and marketing industries while offering helpful member business advice and keeping you abreast of events in your geographic region. Newsletters are posted/archived on the website.

Online Directory of DBC Members

By networking with other members, you can find out about new information, opportunities, and ideas for education, promotion, marketing, advertising, and product development.

Members Only Web Content

On the DBC website, DBC members can access current and archived issues of DBC Business Insights newsletter, the national member directory, and other DBC member news. This is also where you can sign up to be a mentor or search for a mentor.

National Meetings and Networking

Meet one-on-one with your colleagues, share expertise and discuss vital issues. Scheduled events are posted on the event calendar.

Committee Participation

Get involved and develop leadership skills by sharing your knowledge and learning new skills as a volunteer for a DBC committee or project.

Member Recognition

DBC activities offer a way to become recognized and supported by the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics through awards and honors.