Telehealth Discussion Board

Ask questions and help your peers navigate the rapidly expanding world of telehealth.


Instructions to Post a Message

  1. Click "Post New Message".
  2. Add a Subject and your discussion content.
  3. Add a tag at the end of your discussion content by typing hashtag "#" and selecting a tag.
    1. You must select a tag from the blue box.


Instructions to Reply to a Message

  1. If you are replying while logged in to the DBC website, click "Reply to Discussion" to send your message to the entire community or "Reply to Sender" to reply privately to the original sender; both links are, located in the gray column at the right. (We recommend replying to the sender for simple comments that add little value to the overall discussion; and replying to the entire community when you are sharing knowledge, experience or resources that others could benefit from.)
  2. You can also reply from your email account by replying directly from the email notification you receive without having to log in to the community website. Simply click on the "Reply to Discussion" link in the column at the right and type in your message.
  3. Add a tag at the end of your reply by typing hashtag "#" and selecting a tag.
    1. You must select a tag from the blue box.


Participants in the Discussion Board must adhere to Academy Netiquette Guidelines.